The Tiffin Box is a food, recipe and review website based in Edmonton, AB, Canada, authored by Michelle Peters - Jones. I create original recipes, and recipes inspired by my family, and write about East Indian, British and Canadian food, with a strong focus on using fresh, local and sustainable ingredients.
Contact me:
Twitter: @michpetersjones
Facebook Page:
Classes, Food Writing and Recipe Development
I offer Indian cooking classes in Edmonton. If you are interested in learning how to cook fresh, elegant, simple and flavourful Indian food in your own kitchen, please contact me and I will be happy to customise a class for you, based on your interests and diet.
Please contact me by email, and I will then send you my telephone number so we can chat further about your requirements.
I also freelance as a food writer and recipe developer. Please get in touch if you are interested in hiring me to write for your publication. I am happy to provide writing samples on request.
I am a recipe developer and food writer for The Kitchn.
I write a monthly column and resources for Food Bloggers of Canada. I am also their ambassador for Alberta.
Why The Tiffin Box?
For those who don't know, tiffin boxes are little lunch boxes that Indian people carry their lunches in. Usually consisting of three insulated tiers, they are brilliant for carrying different items like dal, rice, rotis, vegetables etc, separately, so the food items don't get soggy. Personally, I think its such a brilliant idea, especially for Indian food.
Tiffin boxes hold special memories for me, especially of India. My dear mum used to make up these boxes for us, and we used to lug them to school. And as soon as the lunch bell rings, a whole group of our friends would get together and we would excitedly poke around in everybody else's tiffin boxes, and share our food with each other. This was communal dining at its best, and what this website strives to be, a community.
Of course, tiffin is also a very English term. The British in India used to take what they referred to as a 'tiffin', usually a light meal in the afternoons, as Indians tended to eat very late in the evenings. And of course, who can forget that tasty cake called a 'tiffin cake'? The uniquely commonwealth-y (*made up word alert) approach of this name was my inspiration.
So, this website is reflective of my travels, and all homelands and the wonderful mélange of food that makes up my world.
A Little About Me
I stumbled into the world of food via my appearance on the BBC’s Masterchef UK. I was born and brought up in India, and have lived in England for several years. I am currently based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. You may recognize The Tiffin Box in its original avatar as Food, Football and a Baby.

The Tiffin Box by Michelle Peters - Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Please note that the content and the majority of the images on my blog belong solely to me. If you would like to use any of it for your personal use, you are welcome to (with some restrictions, please don't copy the baby pictures), however, please ask me for permission first (I don't bite!), and reference me as the original author/ photographer of the work (this is non-negotiable)
Please respect my hard work on the blog, and do not copy it verbatim.