
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Buy One, Give One this Thanksgiving with The Turkey Farmers of Canada

Canadian Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Every holiday, I give thanks that we are able to put together a beautiful meal on the table and enjoy it with family and friends. But holidays are also a good time time to reflect on how we can help people around us and we know that they can be hard on families who are not well off.

For the past six years, the Turkey Farmers of Canada and their member organizations, have been assisting thousands of Canadian families in rural communities during the Thanksgiving period, and throughout the calendar year. The funds are divided up among rural food banks in ten provinces and three territories, with over 90 food banks receiving money to purchase turkeys for Thanksgiving (some even have money left over to also use at Christmas). TFC targets rural food banks for two reasons: because a lot of their members all live in rural communities, and also because rural food banks are so often struggling to find sufficient food to share with their clients. But more can be done, and they’re challenging Canadians to participate in a Buy One Give One campaign.

So they are launching a BOGO campaign – Buy One, Give One – today. In order to help as many families as possible to continue to enjoy a family tradition even during difficult times, when buying your own family’s turkey purchase a second one to give to your local food bank. Canadians will also have the option to donate through Food Banks Canada.

To raise awareness of this very important issue, TFC is using the hashtag #BOGOTurkey for the campaign for the few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving which is Monday, October 13th this year. We hope that you will all be able to join the conversation and help us out by donating. You can also join the #BOGOTurkey Pinterest Board here, and pin some of your favourite Thanksgiving turkey recipes (you can email for an invitation)

You can find your nearest Food Bank by accessing this tool on the Food Banks Canada website.

I know I will definitely be donating a turkey when buying my own. I hope all my Canadian readers will also consider it. Please join us fighting hunger at Thanksgiving and at all time.


  1. great initiative, love that it is co-ordinated thru the food bank.
    well done - no better time of year to reflect on how lucky we are to be able to have such great food here in alberta.

  2. Thanks Michelle for getting the word out about this initiative.


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