
Monday 5 May 2014

Spiced Turkey Stuffed Rolls (Kheema Pav)

Kheema Pav

You might have been wondering why you haven't heard from me for a few weeks.  Blogging is a commitment I don't take lightly, and as you already know, I make sure that I always put my best foot forward (or should that be, my best recipes forward?). Its been a slightly crazy month, if by crazy I mean, starting a new job, working quite a few private and scheduled cooking classes and conferences, balancing my recipe development work for The Kitchn, writing articles for FBC and also somewhere in the mix realising that I have a family that needs attention. So, first off, my apologies for the silence here. I needed a short break while I figured my life out, and started to think about a work-life balance. I hope I've figured it out, and I am happy to be back, doing what I do best, writing, cooking and photographing.

This website is also in the process of being redesigned just to make it a little more modern and streamlined (don't worry, it will be just as easy and simple to access, and the content will stay the same). I also have a few great projects that I have started working on... and I think you'll find them all delicious.

To start off - you should all now see that cute little badge added to my sidebar. I was approached by the Turkey Farmers of Canada to be their Blogger Champion for this year, and of course, there wasn't even a smidgeon of hesitation on my part. As a result, you'll be seeing some fabulous new and original recipes featuring different ways to use various cuts of turkey. I'll be posting up teaser pictures and notes on all the recipes I create for them, and you can download and print them from their beautiful Tasty Turkey website here (a  direct link will also be provided, and of course, they have so many recipes on there, don't blame me if you get erm... gobbled in

My first recipe for Tasty Turkey are these delicious, lightly spiced stuffed rolls. One of my absolute favourite dishes, growing up, was my mom's kheema or spiced ground meat. My mother would make large batches of kheema, and we would then have it in various forms, either as toasted sandwiches, little kheema and potato patties, mixed into a delicately spiced pulao... the combinations were endless. I loved it simply stuffed into a pillowy soft roll, also called pav, in India. 

This version of the kheema recipe goes a little further and I bake the turkey stuffing right inside the roll. Its surprisingly simple to do, but also adds a fun element to the traditional kheema pav. Turkey is probably one of the healthiest proteins out there, and I love that this is also a super portable snack for a lunchbox or while camping. These rolls can also very easily be frozen, and just reheated quickly in a  microwave before serving. 

And of course, kids love anything that's a little different right? Mine certainly does. This recipe also introduces them to the joys of spice, just enough to add a light, delicate flavour to the meat, and not overwhelming for spice beginners.

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the Tasty Turkey website to download your recipe now! 

Click for the recipe - Spiced Turkey Stuffed Rolls (Kheema Pav). 

And of course, if you have any questions, mosey on back and I'll be more than happy to answer them for you :) Enjoy! 

PS - Thanks MG for kindly being my hand model for these pictures :) Hope you enjoyed the rolls too! 


  1. Hello,

    Could you please tell me how many portions for this recipe?
    Monique (


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

Please note, that due to the enormous amount of spam comments I've been getting, I am re-enabling comment moderation. Your comment will be visible on approval. Apologies in advance.