
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Turkey Kofte/ Kofta (Turkey Meatballs in a Spiced Tomato Cream Sauce)

If you've been following me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, you'll already know that I have been loving my sojourn in India. When I first started out on my journey, I'll be honest, I had mixed feelings. Everyone seemed to be India-bashing, there were tons of really awful things happening in the country, and every second day there seemed to be another terrible story being reported in the media. So, even though I knew that the India I grew up in was very different, I was still apprehensive, especially after four long years had passed since I had left.

These fears and apprehensions disappeared the moment I landed in India. Funny how family, friends, warmth and sunshine has a soothing, comforting effect on the soul. So it works out almost prophetic, that when the Turkey Farmers of Canada asked me to create two recipes for their comfort food makeover, I chose to play with dishes that is very reminiscent of India and the food that I grew up with.

My first recipe is the universally popular Turkey Mulligatawny  Soup, which has its roots in South India, and for my second recipe, I chose this slightly more North Indian dish. Kofte, or Kofta is a type of curry that was originally introduced by the Muslim rulers of India, presumably travelling in from the Middle East.

This recipe is popular all over India, in many different variations. Its called malai kofta if its made with paneer and vegetables. The meat version is also known colloquially, as the slightly odd 'ball curry'. Essentially, its a version of meatballs and tomato sauce, but the delicate Indian spices really add a different dimension to this simple, comforting dish.

As kids, kofta or ball curry was a treat for us. My mum, as I may have mentioned before, rarely uses recipes, but this is one of those rare occasions that  she would pore over an old recipe book that we used to have. Over the years though, the original recipe has been lost, but there are different versions floating all around the family.

The list of ingredients for this dish might appear a tad long, but this is a simple dish that uses ingredients easily found in a large supermarket. Ground turkey is very easy to find, and is also a lot healthier so it balanced the slight richness of this sauce. I've played around with the techniques and flavours in this recipe, and come up with a easy, comforting, delicious, yet elegant dish that is just as home served at a family dinner, or at a posh dinner party.

Download or print the recipe for this delicious kofte from here.

And when you're there, why not check out some of the other wonderful comfort food makeover recipes that my fellow bloggers have come up with? 

I was offered a stipend to create these recipes. The recipes are original and were developed, tested, written and photographed by me, in keeping with the theme of this site and my personal cooking and eating philosophies. But then you know that already, right? :)


  1. Michelle, I always learn so much reading your posts. Your knowledge is so genuine, as is your personality. So glad you enjoyed your trip. And thank you once again for sharing this amazing recipe with us. :)

  2. Hi Michelle! This looks incredibly delicious... Just clicked on the link in joyful anticipation but it has not been kept up to date:( Could you post the recipe or the updated link?
    Thanks so much!

  3. Aha! I am thrilled to say that I found it:


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

Please note, that due to the enormous amount of spam comments I've been getting, I am re-enabling comment moderation. Your comment will be visible on approval. Apologies in advance.