
Monday 30 July 2012

Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt

Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt

Aditi eeeee, and me too were very excited when we recieved our invitation to the opening of Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt in West Edmonton Mall. My daughter's only four, but considers herself quite the frozen yogurt connoisseur (and yes, she can say 'connoisseur' too, insert proud mommy emoticon here) and she was pretty sure that the invitation was hers actually, and I was her accompanying guest :) Which, of course, I was proud to be.

As it turns out, Pinkberry couldn't have chosen a better week to open in Edmonton. With temperatures soaring in the mid-thirties, it was hot outside and all thoughts were always with cold, frozen treats. Aditi and I were pretty hot when we arrived at WEM, even though we were sitting in the back of the bus where, ocasionally, there is a breeze happening. We were both, therefore, rather relieved when we entered the air conditioned environs of WEM, and we skittered along to the Pinkberry booth.

Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt

The Pinkberry booth was beautifully decorated and the pastel shades put us both in the mood for frozen yogurt. We went over to the media/ VIP booth, and fooled around in the photo booth while we waited for our samples. We met up with Marlow Moo and The Kitchen Magpie and several other Edmonton foodies too.
The toppings were out on tables, and of course, Aditi had to go and look through each of them carefully... can't have the wrong topping on one's froyo now, can we? She picked the sugared gummi bears of course (why was I not even the least surprised?) and some fresh mango too. The fruit looked fresh and yummy, and we had a great time looking through and trying out the other toppings. I do wish there were a few labels on the bowls, but that was a minor quibble, as we did have fun trying to discover what each of them was. 

Once the yogurts were out, we picked our favourites. I always pick coconut and Aditi picked the mango, then the strawberry. We garnished with the aforementioned toppings, and we were ready to go. We both liked our choices, though Aditi, being ever the connoisseur, said that she thought that tha mango needed to be more 'mangoey'... which makes perfect sense, of course, hehe.

I liked my coconut yogurt, and the fresh fruit on top made a big difference to the taste, texture and flavours. It hit the spot on that hot day, for sure. And we loved our discount card and the treats in our goodie bags as well.

If I have a grouse, it would be about the location. While I understand why Pinkberry picked West Edmonton Mall as their Edmonton location, I realised quite quickly that unless I was in the mall for whatever reason, I would probably not make the trip all the way there just for the yogurt, nice as it was.So it would have been nice to have an outlet, say downtown or even in Southgate Mall. But if that's my only crib, I think I don't really have much to complain about. Aditi was already looking forward to her next trip to Pinkberry, so I reckon we shall be back for sure.

Check out more of the pictures on my Facebook page here. 

Disclosure: I received an invite to the media preview for Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt. There was no financial compensation, and all opinions are mine (and Aditi's).


  1. I'd be interested in trying their other toppings. Not sure when I'd make it to WEM again though

    1. Yeah, me too. Would be interested in some of the other flavours as well.

  2. Lovely seeing you finally! Such a cutie pie, that girl of yours. The two of ours looked like they could easily have a great time getting into trouble together!

    1. Oh yes, Karlynn, that was pretty evident, wasn't it? They were so cute together :)

  3. Your photo booth pics are a HOOT, looks like you had mountains of FUN! I love Mango too, what a sweet treat!!

    1. Thanks Joveena, we loved goofing around for them. Its not very often I step out from behind the camera in front of it :)

  4. Ethan treated me to Pinkberry a few months back. First time for both of us. We didn't get it - it tasted like everyday frozen yogurt except waaaaaay more expensive. In fact the salted caramel flavour was awful! (thank goodness for samples!). They located in Metrotown which again, not amazing enough for me to make it a destination stop. But your photo booth photos are super cute!!

    1. I didn't try salted caramel, Melissa, I personally think that salted caramel should stay with ice cream, if you see what I mean? I don't know how expensive they're going to be, as I don't go often to WEM. But WEM has a roaring tourist trade that should certainly make this location successful. I love Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt too, and they are more accessible to me, so I end up going there more often.

  5. Just came over to your site after seeing the comments on The Guardian - agreed with everything you say (and hope you ignored that idiot who was so rude!) Love what you are doing and great photos too!

    1. Thanks Rachel... I thought about replying to him, then decided not to feed the troll :) Makes life simpler that way. I am following you now, by the way, love your recipes and site. Also enjoy your comments on the Guardian, you do hit the nail on the head with your comments pretty thoroughly :)

  6. Replies
    1. It was pretty good :) Thanks for dropping by.


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