
Tuesday 3 July 2012

A New Name, A New Direction! Welcome to The Tiffin Box.

Moving Forward

Well, as you may have already noticed, Food, Football and a Baby is now The Tiffin Box. Its taken me a while to get to this stage. I loved my original name, but as you can imagine, it was cumbersome, and hard to tell people all the time.

While the 'Food' in the title was universal, moving to Canada meant that the 'Football' part always got misunderstood hugely. They like to call it soccer here (bah!) And of course, the 'Baby' is no longer a baby, and she also objects to being called a baby nowadays.

It was time for a change, but change is not easy. I agonised a lot over the new name, and while I already had in mind what I would call the blog, putting it into practice was another matter. I kept putting it off, but I was also slowly realising that the longer I put it off, the harder it was getting.

So, with the help of my friends, Marlow Moo's humans, and their friend Chris, I did it. We ate first, like you do, naturally, and then buckled down and changed the title to 'The Tiffin Box'.

Why The Tiffin Box?

For those who don't know, tiffin boxes are little lunch boxes that Indian people carry their lunches in. Usually consisting of three insulated tiers, they are brilliant for carrying different items like dal, rice, rotis, vegetables etc, separately, so the food items don't get soggy. Personally, I think its such a brilliant idea, especially for Indian food.

Tiffin boxes hold special memories for me, especially of India. My dear mum used to make up these boxes for us, and we used to lug them to school. And as soon as the lunch bell rings, a whole group of our friends would get together and we would excitedly poke around in everybody else's tiffin boxes, and share our food with each other. This was communal dining at its best, and what this website strives to be, a community.

Of course, tiffin is also a very English term. The British in India used to take what they referred to as a 'tiffin', usually a light meal in the afternoons, as Indians tended to eat very late in the evenings. And of course, who can forget that tasty cake called a 'tiffin cake'? Not me. The uniquely commonwealth approach of this name was my inspiration.

So, this website is now reflective of all my travels, and homelands. Its with sadness I bid goodbye to Food, Football and a Baby, but at the same time, I look forward to the future, with both apprehension and anticipation. There is still so much to be done, and I can't wait to get to it!

Here's to The Tiffin Box, and to my lovely, lovely friends and readers. Thank you for bringing me to this point in my blogging life.

Don't forget to 'Like' my new Facebook page. My Twitter is the same for now, though I do have a handle for The Tiffin Box as well.

* I am still working on getting the website quite right, so do bear with me during this transition period. If you have any questions, or need any information, please feel free to contact me, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. Well done, Michelle. Change don't come easy, but neither does a baby;) or food, in my case (I have the equivalent of two left feet when it comes to feeding any mouth other than mine!) Good luck in your new avatar!

  2. Gorgeous! I cannot wait to read it....and try some recipes. Tasting your "Taste of Edmonton" creation spurred me to try my hand at your recipes at last.

    1. Absolutely Liv, loved having you over and thanks for the feedback :)

  3. Michelle, The story behind the name is endearing. Personal stories like this always resonate within as the image of you lunching with your classmates "buffet style" with the little boxes in the middle of the circle is as it should be. I love that image. I would love to hear what your favourite find was in your tiffen box... the lunch you were most excited about your mother packing for you.
    Congratulations on your new title. Change is not easy, but it is always exciting. I have been working on refacing my site, too - and that should be finished about the 1st of August. We shall see.
    In an y case, love the tag line, the idea, and know you will succeed in accomplishing sharing your love for great food with your readers here.

    1. Thanks Valerie, look forward to seeing you new site.

  4. Congrats on the new name and look, Michelle!

  5. Love the new name Michelle - it's perfect! Congrats. (i do wish you'd moved to WP though! I shall keep nagging...;) lol)

    1. Hehe, thanks Melissa. Keep your eyes peeled, it may be happening sooner than you think :)

  6. LOVE the tiffin box... always love a tiffin!

    1. Thanks Dom. Its not as well known here as in the UK, but that's why I am here :)

  7. Best of luck making the changes on your site, Michelle! You've chosen a terrific name and the story behind the title makes it all the more appropriate to you and your take on food and community! I look forward to visiting and seeing you grow the concept further!

    1. Thanks Susan. I am looking forward to the adventure :)

  8. I LOVE the new name and the new look! congratulations!
    Mary x

    1. Thanks Mary. Hope you guys are all well. Have to drop by yours soon :)

  9. Love the new look!!! And the name is awesome!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks LSN. Looking forward to your comments and feedback :)

  11. Congrats on the fresh direction! And what an awesome picture!

    1. Thanks Jill. That picture was taken by my husband in India in 2007, but I thought it was so appropriate for this post :)

  12. Looking forward to watching your site evolve

    1. And thanks for all the help from your hums Marlow :)


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

Please note, that due to the enormous amount of spam comments I've been getting, I am re-enabling comment moderation. Your comment will be visible on approval. Apologies in advance.