
Monday 18 June 2012

Mango 'Lassi' Creamsicles

Mango 'Lassi' Creamsicles

Me (after listening to Aditi yammering away for what felt like the whole day!): Aditi, don't you ever stop talking? 
Aditi (looking at me quite seriously): Mommy, I am just making sure my tongue works.
Or, this one. 
Me: Aditi why don't you like spice? 
Aditi: Mum, I like spice when you put it in desserts.

Mango 'Lassi' Creamsicles

Coming back to the recipe at hand though, I love making tons of popsicles to celebrate our woefully short summer season. That said, this summer has been lovely so far, with the rain and thunderstorms holding off at least until the evenings. Its my favourite kind of weather... a hot, sunny day, and a cool, stormy, rainy evening (also means I don't have to water the garden, lazy, lazy me) 

Last year, every juice I found made its way into a popsicle of some sort.  Aditi's favourite last year was this utterly scrummy watermelon and strawberry ice candy. This year, creamsicles have been the favourite. My very adult treat has been a limoncello creamsicle (recipe coming soon) and Aditi's is this rather lovely mango 'lassi' one. And it even has one spice in it, hehe.

The recipe came about by happy accident. I made up a chilled mix for mango 'lassi' frozen yoghurt, but then realised that I had forgotten to freeze my ice cream maker's canister. So rather than waiting for the additional 24 hours, I just chucked the mix into popsicle moulds, and voila! A new favourite recipe was born.

The recipe itself is so simple, that I am a bit ashamed to post it up here :) But I am going to anyway, as I feel that the best recipes are usually the simplest ones. I used a mixture of fresh and tinned mango pulp for this recipe. You can go with whichever one you can find. To make fresh mango pulp, slice the mango into cheeks, and scoop out the flesh. Puree finely in a blender. The sugar in this recipe is optional, depending on how sweet your mangoes are. And if you are using tinned mango, reduce the lemon juice down to a half teaspoon, as tinned mango pulp usually has citric acid in it. I like to use Alphonso or Kesar mango pulp for this recipe. 

Enjoy the summer, or what you can get of it anyway :) 

PS - Tutti Frutti Frozen Yoghurt... do you recognise those spoons? Can you get a dark blue one pleeeeaaaaseee, so I can complete my rainbow collection?

Mango 'Lassi' Creamsicles


2 cups mango pulp 
1 cup plain or greek yoghurt
1 cup half and half or heavy cream 
Seeds from 2 green cardamom pods, crushed
1 - 2 tablespoons of sugar, or to taste
1 - 2 teaspoons lemon juice 


Blend together the mango pulp, yoghurt, half and half or whipping cream, cardamom seeds, sugar and 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice. 

Taste and add a little more sugar/ lemon juice to your taste. 

Freeze in popsicle moulds, for at least 12 hours, or until frozen solid.

To unmould, run water over popsicle moulds, which should release the creamsicles.

Makes about 10 creamsicles.

  • I prefer to use heavy cream in these creamsicles, as they add a creamier texture. If you use half and half, the creamsicles may turn out a little icier. 
  • You can strain the yoghurt, if you wish, for an extra creamy texture.
Mango 'Lassi' Creamsicles

 This recipe is being sent over to Kavey's Bloggers Scream For Ice Cream event. What a fantastic event... right up my alley, that!! The theme for June is fruit.


  1. I can't believe you posted this today...I made a version of these last night! LOL I used 28oz can of mango pulp, 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, 1 14oz can of drained crushed pineapple and 2 cups of heavy [whipping] cream, whipped. I can just imagine how much better fresh ingredients would taste! YUMMY

  2. looks great and man she reminds me of J no spicy food and a chatterbox they would so get on

  3. Those really do look good. I hop e the weather improves when we get back to Scotland, so I can make some ice lollies for Cooper. It is very hot here in Cyprus, but dreich, cold and wet in Scotland.

  4. Love Aditi's logic!

    Have made sorbet with alphonso mango flesh, but never thought to make lollies. I always have my lassi plain (and sweet) to drink but for an ice lolly, I can imagine mango lassi being superb base. And addition of cardamom sounds perfect.

  5. first time in your space ...your blog name is very attractive :-) your daughter is very very adorable , I too have a 4 yr old , so I know how life is :-) the popsickles look great dear !!!they hav come out just perfect !!!happy to follow ur space !!!!do visit my site in your free time :-)

  6. Which one is sweeter, Aditi or the creamsicle!!!???
    Super sweet Aditi!
    Am so bookmarking this.
    I make mango kulfi, different, bt great and am loving this.

    BTW, did u just type woefully short summer season???? Gosh, really? I HATE summer. hate the unbearable heat, ugh! I must be nuts ;)

  7. :-) And do those tongues work! If my niece, Anjali, is anything like Aditi. . .
    We have summers that are too long and too hot!

  8. Little kids never fail to amaze us. They are witty, funny and so cute! Just like this refreshing creamsicle. I am definitely craving for one, right now.

  9. I love the look of these and that touch of cardamom sounds excellent. Personally I'm all for simple recipes.

  10. Are those one shot cream holds it's shape and love that vibrant color....and the look in thew lil one's eye is awesome....cute her....touch the mango lassi popsicle....


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

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