
Sunday 13 May 2012

Strawberry and Rose Lassi

Strawberry and Rose Lassi

I have had the kind of week that I have really wished, on many ocasions, that I could just go back to bed and sleep it away. Sadly, between a very sick husband and daughter, I have had more than my share of broken nights and completely crazy days. The internet and cable then crashed on us, and if you have ever had a very sick child and no TV you will know exactly what I went through!

I then misplaced both my wedding and engagement rings, along with a beautiful set of earrings that Kay had given me for Christmas. I still haven't found them, despite turning the house upside down. I am sure they'll show up somewhere obvious, and then I will just bang my head against the nearest wall... but for the moment they're still MIA.

I also decided to have a run of incredibly bad luck with public transport, missing buses and trains, getting on the wrong bus, getting completely lost in the Edmonton suburbs, being late for everything, and pretty much having Edmonton Transit messing with my head. Even the weather played silly bugs with me, bright and sunny one day, and then hailing on me (and these guys were BIG hailstones) the next.

And then, in a fit of blank headedness, I deleted my chaat masala post, and had to rewrite it from scratch. Bawwwwwwlllll!!!


Even the photographs for this post weren't without their mishaps. I had one set neatly styled on a beautiful linen tablecloth that my MIL had sent me, looking all pretty, and... er, rather precariously balanced on a bench, as I tried to get the best light I could. You can see what's coming right?

Yep. Him!

Holden (The Destroyer) Jones.

He leapt on the aformentioned precariously balanced board, and it was Cat 1 - 0 Lassi!

So that was one lassi down the drain. Literally. It went everywhere, and I nearly cried. My nice clean tablecloth, and everything else including the floor and the cat had to get washed. By the time I cleaned everything up, I was losing the light so these pictures were hastily shot, between cursing the cat and pacifying Aditi, who'd woken up from her nap (and was seriously, seriously grumpy!) I honestly thought that big guy up in the sky really hated me or something.

But of course, getting back to the point, this lassi is really really good and perfect for summer. That's all that needs to be said. That, and my apologies for the rant. I feel much better now :)

Strawberry and Rose Lassi

(Printable Recipe)

500 g fresh strawberries, washed and hulled
2 tablespoons of sugar + about 1/4 cup extra (depending on how sweet your berries are)
1 cup plain or Greek style yoghurt
1/2 cup milk
Seeds from one green cardamom pod, crushed into a fine powder
2 teaspoons rosewater (+ extra to taste)


Toss the strawberries with about 2 tablespoons of sugar, and leave them at room temperature for about an hour.

Place the strawberries and any accumulated juices or syrup into a blender, along with the remaining sugar (to taste), yoghurt, milk and cardamom seeds and whirl until everything is well combined.

Add the rosewater to taste, and a little extra sugar, if required. You can thin down the lassi with a little milk, if desired.


  1. Mmmmm lovely and the photos may have been of the harassed and hasty nature, but they are fab. The caught my attention right away. Lovely spoons too :)

  2. Wow! What a week!!! Hope things go better this week....I was wondering why I saw another chaat masala post in Google Reader :)

    This lassi looks so refreshing! I've tried to make a strawberry lassi last year but didn't turn out well. Look forward to giving yours a try!

  3. Mich, if I hadn't read your post I would have thought that you had such a perfect day cuz your pics are simply marvellous! So beautiful and pristine! Hope ur week ahead is just make up for all the madness u went thru :)

  4. A perfect seasonal lassi!
    Sweet and pretty cat ;-))

  5. I'm so sorry you've had such a lousy time. Things have just got to get better. Love the lassi. I got a little confused when I saw the chaat masala come up again, but then I thought it was so good you posted it twice.

  6. You poor thing - what a crappy week you had! If I was you my post would probably have been of a much needed cocktail (!) but I'm delighted that instead you shared this fantastic recipe and beautiful photographs... I love the combination of strawberries and rose so I will definitely be giving this a go. Hope you have a better week this week x

  7. Wow! it's yummy. Really awesome strawberry and rose lassi recipe. Lovely way of describing the yummy recipe.


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

Please note, that due to the enormous amount of spam comments I've been getting, I am re-enabling comment moderation. Your comment will be visible on approval. Apologies in advance.