
Thursday 5 May 2011

Watermelon and Strawberry Popsicles (Ice Candies)

Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles 4

Dom over at Belleau Kitchen announced that this month's Random Recipe Challenge would be 'Just Desserts'. Yesss! I do desserts. In fact, I actively seek them out and do them. Kay, not so much, as he's watching his diet, but me and Aditi, we indulge. Luckily we are home most days so all signs of our dessertly activity can be hidden well before poor Kay gets back home.

I got lucky with this month's random cookbook. I 'only' have about five books that are purely desserts, so I spread them out and got Aditi to pick one out. Guess which one she picked out? Of course, the one with the ice cream cone on its cover. This one to be precise.

Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles

Looks like we both share the same food heroes there :-)

The recipe I opened up to was the Watermelon Sorbetto. Again, we were very lucky, because we had half a watermelon in the fridge. I ended up adapting the recipe a bit because when I whizzed up the watermelon, I only got 2 cups of juice. So, I blitzed up about 6 - 7 strawberries, and made this into Watermelon-Strawberry popsicles. Plus, it was way too hot to cook, so I didn't cook the watermelon juice and sugar, as in the recipe. I just whizzed the ingredients in my very powerful blender instead.

Its David's suggestion in the recipe that this sorbetto makes excellent popsicles, and I agree wholeheartedly. The little chocolate chips look just so cute in them, just like real watermelon seeds. I can just see this recipe becoming a firm family favourite.

I just remembered that in India we used to call popsicles 'ice candy'... I think I like that term better :-) These went down very easily indeed, and as we are having a beautifully warm spring (phew, after all that cold!) were a real treat after a hard morning's housework [this old figure doesn't stay slim by just sitting around eating ice creams you know (just ignore the part around the tummy though, it's never again going to have any more rock hard abs) :-)]

Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles 2

Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles 1


(Printable Recipe)

2 cups watermelon puree
1 cup strawberry puree
1/4 - 1/3 cup sugar (depending on how sweet your watermelon is, mine was supersweet, so only used a third)
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp chocolate chips (I only had milk, so used them instead of semi-sweet) (optional)


Blitz together all the ingredients, except for the chocolate chips.

Once well mixed, add the chocolate chips, if using, and stir.

Pour gently into popsicle moulds, and freeze till hard.

You can also make a sorbet instead of popsicles by churning the mixture in an icecream maker instead.

Strawberry Watermelon Popsicles 3

This post is heading over to Dom at Belleau Kitchen's, Random Recipe Challenge - Just Desserts


  1. I just love the sound of these especially with the strawberries and choc chips. What a wee cutie you have there. Looks like she is enjoying the pops :)

  2. Mmmmm! Perfect treat for a scorching Summer in Mumbai! The choco chips are a great idea..i actually thought those were watermelon seeds till I read your post :D

  3. Eeep, the photos are so cute! Awesome recipe too, perfect for a hot day. Or a warm one or cool one or raining or whatever..

  4. perfect ice lollies for a perfect summer day... reminds me of my youth, my mum used to make these for us when we were kids... glorious!... thanks so much for taking part x

  5. I could really have used one (or two) of these today during a hot afternoon in the garden. I'm impressed at your speedy response to the challenge - it makes me feel so slow.

  6. Do you know I was just looking at that exact book today? Those ices look so good and I've been on a sorbet/ice cream making kick lately. Thanks so much for linking this up to Sweets for a Saturday. With a recipe like this, I'm looking forward to when watermelon finally comes on sale.

  7. What a perfect way to get ready for summer! Watermelon and Strawberry sound like the perfect combination. I can tell your little girl is enjoying her ice pop a lot! :) Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


  8. They look lovely, so refreshing. I need to get myself some ice lolly moulds for this summer!

  9. They look great. I am going to go and look on Amazon for ice lolly moulds - would love to make these.
    And your photographs are gorgeous.

  10. Yum! Cold watermelon and strawberries! Your little popsicle slurper looks to be enjoying that pop! It's coming on ice cream and popsicle weather here in New England! These will be a treat for our 4th of July BBQ! Thanks so much for posting them at the Random Recipe Challenge!

    Just love finding new blogs that inspire!

  11. Thanks for this great idea. Watermelon is on sale as we speak down at the local stop and shop...

    I can't wait to try this with the boys, and I can't wait to come and peek around your blog some more!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  12. Looks great! Well done. Maybe if the weather over here stays warm enough I might give this a go


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

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